
REPLAY – Keeping a Pulse on Drug Reactions: Emergency Visits for Adverse Drug Events and Thresholds for AAA Repair

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Kieran and Fraser are back this week to take listeners through two exciting new studies. What percentage of people that present to the Emergency Department have an adverse drug event (ADE)? How big does an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) have to be to warrant surgical repair? Listen to find out!

Emergency Department visits for ADEs are not uncommon. Some drugs have worse side effects than others – but how much worse and how often do they occur? Fraser takes listeners through a study that sheds some light on the rate and severity at which ADEs occur for commonly prescribed drugs.

There is global variation in thresholds for AAA repair. The decision to repair is associated with significant risk; but, the decision to not repair is associated with life-threatening rupture. Kieran takes listeners through a retrospective observational study which compared elective AAA repair in the US and UK to examine for possible association in size thresholds and AAA-related mortality.

It wouldn’t be an episode of The Rounds Table without the Good Stuff segment. This week Fraser discusses using a higher dose of the flu vaccine for cardiac patients to reduce mortality. Next, Kieran gets into the nitty gritty on supply and demand of naloxone – is there a way to mitigate price increases?

Like what you hear? Rate us on iTunes! Chat with us on Twitter @roundstable and tweet at Kieran directly @kieranlquinn.

The Papers

1. ED Visits for ADEs: http://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2585977

2. AAA Repair: http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1600931?af=R&rss=currentIssue

Good Stuff

1. Flu Vaccines: http://www.uhn.ca/corporate/News/PressReleases/Pages/first_large_clinical_trial_of_flu_vaccines_designed_to_prevent_heart_and_lung_related_illness_begins.aspx

2. Supply & Demand: http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp1609578?af=R&rss=currentIssue

Music Credits

The Rounds Table Theme Music by Brendan Quinn, Creative Director and Composer, Vapor RMW

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