Mental Health

290 articles:
by Sarah Bartnicka

‘Why would I not keep going?’ Month-long sobriety challenges establish healthy habits

Dry January and Sober October could be the start to forming long-term, healthier relationships with alcohol.

by Anne Borden King Michelle Cohen

Increase in online ADHD diagnoses for kids poses ethical questions

During the pandemic, Ontario swapped out in-clinic ADHD assessment and prescriptions for a virtual care model. Should we continue allowing it for kids?

by Jason M. Lo Hog Tian Shyamaly Vasuthevan James Watson

Tackling HIV stigma: Why it’s important and what needs to be done

Experiences of HIV-related stigma are still incredibly high in Canada. However, given the continued lack of understanding about how stigma makes people feel unwell, it is a challenge to design solutions to reduce its impact.

by Sammy Chown

Canadian universities are fumbling mental health support for student-athletes

Canadian post-secondary institutions need to step up to the plate to improve mental health services for student-athletes. Fear about legal liabilities cannot continue to override action to support psychological well-being.

by Erin Ariss

Are Ontarians suffering from outrage fatigue?

The provincial government's actions make it clear that they plan to move towards health-care privatization. Are Ontarians suffering from outrage fatigue when it comes to the government's destruction of this sector?

by Madison Stringer

‘I can’t quite shut it off’: Prevalence of insomnia a growing concern for women

As women juggle their responsibilities, these duties can take a toll, both emotionally and practically. Societal pressures, maternal concerns and the challenge of balancing multiple roles contribute to women's increased susceptibility to insomnia.

by Maria Raveendran

Come for the black bears and huskies. Stay to ‘transform how we deliver health care’

"Self-determination doesn't happen when all of your clinicians are flying up from the south, working for a week and then flying home.” Medical resident Maria Raveendran writes on her experience working in the remote northern Ontario community of Moose Factory Island.

by Maddi Dellplain

Resolutions and solutions: Health-care experts set goals for 2024

In a time of upheaval and undoubtedly significant professional strain, we wanted to know what health-care experts themselves had on their New Year’s resolution lists.

by Maddi Dellplain

Holiday wishes for our beleaguered health-care system

Health-care workers and experts share their wishes for Canada's health-care system this holiday season.

by Amolak Singh

Lose the calculator: Physician champions weight-inclusive care rather than calorie counting

Katarina Wind is a family physician in British Columbia who has her patients focus on healthy behaviours without setting a goal of weight loss or gain.

by Ayeshah Haque

Innovation challenge rewards ideas to ease workplace crisis

Desperate to retain health-care workers and reduce burnout, a non-profit health agency is offering monetary prizes for workers to come up with innovative ideas to ease the workplace crisis.

by Paula Orecklin

OurCare Manitoba: System is nearing collapse but we have faith it can be changed

The Manitoban primary care system is at risk. We cannot just stand to the side watching as issues mount. We need change now, while we can still turn things around. Here's how we fix it.

by Nicole Naimer

Clinic offers a ‘one-stop shop’ for brain care

The Brain Medicine Clinic – a novel clinical model that is a “one-stop shop” for diagnosis, symptom management and treatment – is serving those who don’t have a clear home elsewhere in the health-care system.

by Nima Toussi

Financial toxicity: The relationship between cancer and poverty

Beating cancer doesn't always mean patients will lead healthy and fulfilling lives. They also face the challenge of staying out of the poverty cycle and debt traps throughout the course of their treatment.

by Jayden Battey Peter Zhang

Prescribing community for mental health – lessons from Australia

Without the right combination of medication, housing and community, patients can receive treatment only to find themselves lonely, disconnected, homeless, incarcerated or back in hospital again. Housing communities may offer help.

by Anne Borden King

Middle-school minds in teenage bodies: The post-pandemic crisis in our high schools

During the early years of the pandemic, it was often said that the children would be resilient. But perhaps that was more of a comfortable refrain than a reality. High schoolers are not okay. We need to find solutions to help them thrive.

by Adnan Haider

‘Everything is at stake here’: Startups aim to break addictions to social media

Society depends on our ability to pay sustained attention to what matters – and all of that now hinges on creating a healthier digital environment.

by Ryan Chadwick Jolie Leung Emily Block Larry W. Chambers

Anxiety vs. stress: The right definition will lead to better mental-health care

Conflating stress and anxiety in medical settings can have serious implications for patients. New research on "social prescribing" could pave the way for more effective treatment.

by James Janeiro

Canada’s diverse caregiving community in dire need of federal strategy

Canada is a nation of caregivers. But caregivers and care recipients alike are at risk for burnout. We need a concerted policy response that meets caregivers where they are.

by Catriona Hippman

We have a tool to help prevent suicide during pregnancy and postpartum. Why does the task force recommend against using it?

In 2022, the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care released recommendations against using a tool (the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale – EPDS) to screen for depression during pregnancy and the postpartum. These recommendations do not agree with those made by experts in B.C. and Ontario; and around the world in Australia, the United States, England and Scotland. It is important that we look closely at these recommendations and try to understand why they differ.

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