Public Health

746 articles:
by Miranda Schreiber

‘Just a pinch’: Women frustrated as medical community downplays pain of IUD insertion

Thousands of TikTok rants, viral tweets, petitions and peer-reviewed studies have documented the insufficient pain relief offered for IUD insertions. So, what is the response from Canadian medicine to this outcry? Practically nothing.

by Sai Gayathri Metla Chen Chen

Students call for improved refugee health education in Ontario medical schools

While Canada accepts thousands of refugees each year, refugee health care falls short. Improved education on refugee health in medical schools can help bridge the gap.

by W.A. Bogart

‘Unshrinking’ tackles fat shaming and bigotry

Kate Manne's new book examines fatphobia in North American society and its sweeping impacts on health care, history and politics.

by Sanya Grover Vivek Gill Lindy Moxham Kira Stoochnoff Kiera Lee-Pii Sophia Sidi Elaine Hu

Prescribing compassion: Standing up against transphobic policies in Alberta  

As medical students, we add to the chorus of voices calling for the Alberta government to reconsider its policies. If the goal is really to “support with kindness and inclusion,” Smith must rescind her attack on trans youth.

by Maddi Dellplain

Setting the record straight: Medical experts debunk the biggest myths in their field

These days, it's hard to know what to believe. We polled a panel of health experts on the most pervasive misinformation in their specialty and asked them to set the record straight.

by Maddi Dellplain

Waging war on our immune systems: Immunologist explains the horrifying toll of measles

Immunologist Samira Jeimy breaks down the horrifying toll that measles takes on our bodies and communities - and what can be done to stop it.

by Chukwudumebi Onyiuke

‘It’s time to do something’: Climate change endangering remote First Nations communities

The Anisininew leaders have urged governments to support the region by injecting financial and emergency resources, and directly empowering them to rebuild and maintain vital winter road infrastructure.

by Joe Vipond Chris Houston Kashif Pirzada Nancy Delagrave Cheryl White

Introducing the Canadian Covid Society – because we need it

It’s time for Canadians to organize and advocate for patients, for ourselves and for our kids. It’s time for better COVID-19 policies from our health authorities and politicians.

by Maria DiDanieli

A rallying cry for family medicine – and other health-care professionals 

Right now, health-care workers, and especially physicians, need a rallying cry to up their fight, not a call to retreat.

by Christian Lopez

Expansion of community paramedicine one step in meeting the needs of struggling health-care systems

Community paramedicine, in which paramedics play a more active role in treating patients without transferring them to hospital, can help alleviate strain placed on emergency departments and primary care.

by Simone Lebeuf

Please leave politicians out of the exam room. Proposed changes to transgender health policies set a dangerous precedent

Government insertion into medical care is a dangerous step for all Canadians. While it may seem limited to a small minority of people, it sets a precedent that health care is subject to the whims of the current political party. Medical decision-making should be left to the patient and the provider.

by Trevor Hancock

Strengthening Canada’s focus on mitigation: Reflections on the COP28 and climate and health

The health sector is an economic giant. Thus, it must play a significant role in strengthening Canada’s focus on climate change mitigation, including reducing its own contributions to climate change.

by Samir Sinha

New flu vaccination guidance boosts protection for our most vulnerable

We should put all efforts into achieving our 80 per cent goal of getting older Canadians better protected against the more serious and deadly consequences of influenza in a more cost-effective way.

by Trevor Hancock

Reflections on the COP28 UAE Declaration on Climate and Health. Where it fails

For the first time in 30 years, the UN's annual COP28 Climate Conference had a day devoted to health. But world ministers, including Canada's, could not bring themselves to take a bold stance.

by Erin Ariss

Are Ontarians suffering from outrage fatigue?

The provincial government's actions make it clear that they plan to move towards health-care privatization. Are Ontarians suffering from outrage fatigue when it comes to the government's destruction of this sector?

by Tara Slade-Hall

OurCare Quebec: ‘Patients are frustrated and afraid of what is to come’

Like most Quebecers, I'm worried about our failing health-care system. We as patients are left feeling frustrated and afraid of what is to come.

by Maria Raveendran

Come for the black bears and huskies. Stay to ‘transform how we deliver health care’

"Self-determination doesn't happen when all of your clinicians are flying up from the south, working for a week and then flying home.” Medical resident Maria Raveendran writes on her experience working in the remote northern Ontario community of Moose Factory Island.

by Ayeshah Haque

Toddlers put everything in their mouths: Babies and the risks of microplastics

As the federal government plans its counterattack against opponents of its single-use plastic ban, the battle to reverse the health and environmental hazard posed by microplastics continues globally, and here in Canada.

by Stephanie Ferguson

Canadian women are waiting longer than ever for gynecologic surgery: Patients and providers are calling for action.

Historically, quality-of-life procedures for women have not been prioritized and Canadians continue to pay the price. Patients and providers call for better access to urogynecologists.

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