Quality Improvement

167 articles
by Emma Arkell

‘A new way to move people’: Fewer back injuries for health-care workers, more comfort for patients

New improvements to lifts and transfer devices could reduce the risks of work-related injury in health care staff and improve quality of care.

by Sandor J. Demeter

Let’s stop the bickering: Canadians are weary of finger-pointing amid the health-care crisis

Canadians love their publicly funded health care. But it is time to stop normalizing our broken health-care system. Political leaders need to quit bickering about who pays for what and get on with actually fixing the problem.

by Maddi Dellplain

Will the first cut be the deepest? The debate on for-profit surgeries

As Ontario moves to fund private centres for select surgical procedures, will the province see a reduction in backlogs? Or is it a slippery slope towards further privatization of the provincial healthcare system? Our experts weigh in.

by Maddi Dellplain

OurCare survey highlights lack of access to primary care

A nation-wide survey on the state of primary care in Canada illuminates pressing issues facing our health system. Dr. Tara Kiran and a team of collaborators with the OurCare project have launched an online dashboard with the findings.

by Sandor J. Demeter

Behind the scenes: The increasingly complex – and common – radiation treatment for cancer

Radiation therapy for cancer is becoming increasingly complex, sophisticated and personalized. Behind the scenes for most patients hides an invisible team hard at work.

by Rebekah Sibbald Larry W. Chambers

The key to living longer and better? Dying at home

Despite our preferences, most Canadians do not have the privilege of dying at home. Although it is not possible to guarantee a good death, it is possible to reduce your risk of a bad death by thinking and talking about end-of-life.

by Alykhan Abdulla Matthew Schurter

Dr. Pharmacist?

Pharmacists can prescribe medications for certain ailments in eight provinces with Ontario about to follow suit. But while pharmacists knowledge of medications is invaluable, are they diagnosticians?

by Peter Smith

Health care needs to work smarter, not harder

Canada’s health system is on life support, and those in positions of authority need to act now to bring it back to life with intelligence and compassion. `

by David Ponka

Even a child can see collaboration is essential to save the Canadian health-care system

Everything is related; solutions must once again be aligned, locally scaled and human centred. We need a more stable, unified approach in health care. We need more transformative models moving forward. Above all, we need primary care and public health to join forces to prepare us for the next big challenge – climate change.

by Colin Whaley Brandon Tang

What’s on a label? This simple intervention could improve patient safety and save money

Adding reason for use to the labels of prescriptions could be an opportunity to support patient health literacy and to improve communication within the health-care team.

by Hilary Chow

Ontario taxpayers bearing the burden of ‘OHIP for all’ policy

Ten days into the COVID-19 pandemic, Ontario's public health insurance policy was expanded to include all uninsured patients, like temporary workers and tourists. But more sustainable solutions are needed in place of “OHIP for All.”

by Manjot Sandila Omouyi Omoike

‘Please don’t come back’: Using virtual care to prevent readmissions

In Canada, one in 11 patients is readmitted within 30 days of being discharged from hospital. But virtual care can help reduce readmissions, cut costs, and reduce pressures on the health-care system.

by Nancy Lefebre

Why social impact matters: Reflections from a nursing leader

Investing in social impact is something organizations in the health-care field are uniquely positioned to do. We need to remind people of the “why” behind what we do and consider ways we can use our considerable economic and social power to be a force for good.

by Liana Hwang

B.C. physicians’ Pap-a-palooza like a ‘golden ticket’ for patients

Many patients without a family doctor struggle to access Pap tests. The demand has become unsustainable. But two B.C. physicians are throwing a "Pap-a-palooza" to help meet the need.

by Chris Hayes

The ongoing race in health care. Who will win?

In the race to change health care, there are two participants: Health-care improvement and burnout. Who will win?

by Riley Meade

Unprecedented wait list for health care will have long-term toll on children

Ontario’s rapidly expanding wait list for children’s health care will have long-term consequences for health and increase costs to the health-care system.

by Tara Kiran Tara Kiran

Join the conversation and help shape the future of family medicine

We know the family doctor shortage is a problem that's only going to get worse. But there's one solution that comes up time and again: We need to expand interprofessional teams.

by Cathryn Hoy

Lack of political will means Ontario LTC residents will continue to suffer

Ontario’s LTC nurses want to be there to provide quality care to our residents. We know how to fix the system and do just that. But we need the political will to make it happen.

by Michelle Cohen

Gender segregation, pay inequity. Understanding the ‘pink-collar’ tier in medicine

Understanding the history of health care’s gender segregation, the basis for today’s “pink collar” tier of female-dominated specialties, could help current efforts to improve pay equity in medicine.

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