Faces of COVID

Pooja – Speech Language Pathologist

This is Pooja. She is a speech language pathologist.

“The feelings are dichotomous. Lots and little has changed as I look back on the last year.

There is fatigue on the faces of my colleagues – but there is also hope with the vaccine roll-out. There is the emptiness of lockdown – paralleled by the frustration of seeing our wards starting to fill up with COVID as we re-open. There is a desire to spend time with friends and loved ones – paired with the desire to be responsible and protect ourselves and the community. It has been a year, and we are still learning.

While it has been a challenging year, it has also been incredibly rewarding. I love seeing my patients, and it has been all the more rewarding through testing times. I love doing my research, now partly focused on COVID, and contributing to an evolving body of knowledge. It feels fulfilling to be part of the solution.

I am grateful to be able to do what I do. To have the health and wellbeing of my loved ones. To be vaccinated and protected.

We will look back on the last year of our lives in 20 years as a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It hasn’t been easy for anyone, but there is lots to smile about as we look back and look ahead.”


Author’s Note: We have frequently gained insight into the MD’s perspective throughout the pandemic. A window into the perspective of an allied health professional, both then and now, brings into focus what the pandemic has meant for other health providers on the frontlines.


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Arnav Agarwal


Arnav Agarwal is an internal medicine resident physician at the University of Toronto and an incoming fellow in general internal medicine at McMaster University. He has parallel interests in clinical epidemiology, narrative writing, medical education and health advocacy.

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