Infectious Disease

653 articles:
by Kathleen Finlay

It’s time to make compassion more relevant in our world

A generative compassion approach looks at the bigger picture and proactively asks the question: What more needs to be done to prevent more harm from occurring?

by Gary Bloch

Disability and poverty: Funding and structure of new federal benefit unacceptable

The amount being offered to some people with disabilities, $200 per month, is a drop in the bucket in a time of high inflation, rising rents and significant added costs to living with a disability.

by Sabina Vohra-Miller

Avian Influenza: What we know as jump to dairy herds raises concerns

The Avian flu outbreak is a rapidly changing situation. Timely and transparent communication to the public is critical.

by Joe Vipond

Droplet or airborne? WHO says it’s ‘through the air’ 

The WHO is slowly moving forward on airborne transmission. But language changes seem forced, unnecessary and only seem to benefit those who were unable to use the word "airborne" early in the pandemic.

by Kathleen Ross

Access to family doctor crucial step in weeding out fact from fiction

Everyone deserves access to accurate, evidence-based health information. A robust primary care system helps patients weed out fact from fiction, build trusting relationships with providers and ultimately live healthier lives.

by Maddi Dellplain

Setting the record straight: Medical experts debunk the biggest myths in their field

These days, it's hard to know what to believe. We polled a panel of health experts on the most pervasive misinformation in their specialty and asked them to set the record straight.

by Maddi Dellplain

Waging war on our immune systems: Immunologist explains the horrifying toll of measles

Immunologist Samira Jeimy breaks down the horrifying toll that measles takes on our bodies and communities - and what can be done to stop it.

by Joe Vipond Chris Houston Kashif Pirzada Nancy Delagrave Cheryl White

Introducing the Canadian Covid Society – because we need it

It’s time for Canadians to organize and advocate for patients, for ourselves and for our kids. It’s time for better COVID-19 policies from our health authorities and politicians.

by Jason M. Lo Hog Tian Shyamaly Vasuthevan James Watson

Tackling HIV stigma: Why it’s important and what needs to be done

Experiences of HIV-related stigma are still incredibly high in Canada. However, given the continued lack of understanding about how stigma makes people feel unwell, it is a challenge to design solutions to reduce its impact.

by Maddi Dellplain

Resolutions and solutions: Health-care experts set goals for 2024

In a time of upheaval and undoubtedly significant professional strain, we wanted to know what health-care experts themselves had on their New Year’s resolution lists.

by Maddi Dellplain

Holiday wishes for our beleaguered health-care system

Health-care workers and experts share their wishes for Canada's health-care system this holiday season.

by Paula Orecklin

OurCare Manitoba: System is nearing collapse but we have faith it can be changed

The Manitoban primary care system is at risk. We cannot just stand to the side watching as issues mount. We need change now, while we can still turn things around. Here's how we fix it.

by Anne Borden King

Middle-school minds in teenage bodies: The post-pandemic crisis in our high schools

During the early years of the pandemic, it was often said that the children would be resilient. But perhaps that was more of a comfortable refrain than a reality. High schoolers are not okay. We need to find solutions to help them thrive.

by Maddi Dellplain

‘It’s the structures that are sick – it’s not the kids’: Experts stress importance of clean air in schools

How important is air ventilation and filtration in classrooms? Is air quality something that should be a budgetary priority for school boards and provincial and federal governments? This is what the experts had to say.

by Miranda So Jennifer Curran Shahid Husain Mark McIntyre Andrew Morris Jenna Sauve Shreeya Thakrar Bohang Zhao

Turning back the tide: The challenge of antimicrobial resistance and its impact on our health

As antimicrobial stewardship clinicians, we implement system-level interventions and engage with prescribers to promote behaviour change in antimicrobial use. It's not too late to turn back the tide on antimicrobial resistance, but we must start now.

by Nickrooz Grami

Do doctors know enough about the commercial determinants of health?

Private sector activities have a real impact on people's health. We need to promote healthy cross-industry regulation and scrutinize the role that private interests play in the health-policy arena to help safeguard the health of patients.

by Sabina Vohra-Miller

Are mask mandates in health-care settings justified?

No public-health measure has resulted in as much controversy as face coverings. For a universal masking requirement in health-care settings to be acceptable, decision-makers must situate it within the context of public-health ethics to determine whether these mandates are justified.

by Alykhan Abdulla

Will we let the fires of 2023 keep burning?

In our safe country, we “react” to disasters like the forest fires or flooding with exorbitant efforts and resources after the crises. But we also lose track of key commitments to civil society and human progress.

by The Disability and Reproductive Health during COVID-19 Study Team

Access denied: Pandemic highlighted issues in accessing sexual and reproductive health for persons with disabilities

The COVID-19 pandemic led to a number of people with disabilities missing health-care appointments due largely to health and safety concerns on transit. But there are measures we can take to provide accessible, disability-affirming care.

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