Women's Health

173 articles
by Joss Reimer

Privilege. Blame. Allyship. Reflecting on reconciliation as a non-Indigenous physician

CMA president Joss Reimer writes, "As individuals, we may not be responsible for what happened in the past. But we are responsible for what happens in the future."

by Jessica Gosselin Valerie Jeanneret Meghan Pritchard

Access to abortion is not just a matter of health, it is a matter of basic human rights

The U.S. Supreme Court has abandoned its duty to protect the rights of women. We must ensure that every woman can enjoy reproductive freedom on both sides of the border.

by Maxime Lê

Childbirth PTSD is all too common. AI may help remove stigma and improve care

Listening to patient voices is crucial, but physicians can sometimes overlook details that could lead to an important diagnosis. AI can help.

by Hilary Brown Laurie Proulx Lesley A. Tarasoff Yona Lunsky

People with disabilities account for 13% of all pregnancies, but their needs are invisible

People with disabilities need inclusive, accessible pregnancy care that treats them with respect, dignity and acceptance.

by Miranda Schreiber

Street harassment is not a joke or a nuisance, it’s a public health threat

Street harassment is often framed as a women’s issue rather than a public health concern. But it can have lasting impacts on adolescents.

by Stephanie Ferguson

Simple finger-prick blood test could help women with debilitating condition

A Canadian company is working to perfect a simple, finger-prick blood test that would revolutionize the diagnosis of endometriosis.

by Miranda Schreiber

‘Just a pinch’: Women frustrated as medical community downplays pain of IUD insertion

Thousands of TikTok rants, viral tweets, petitions and peer-reviewed studies have documented the insufficient pain relief offered for IUD insertions. So, what is the response from Canadian medicine to this outcry? Practically nothing.

by Sanja Kostov Kanya Rajendra Milena Forte

Accessing pregnancy care in Canada: Family physicians as part of the solution

Government and policymakers have yet to make unified efforts to address the inequity in perinatal care across Canada.

by Maddi Dellplain

Setting the record straight: Medical experts debunk the biggest myths in their field

These days, it's hard to know what to believe. We polled a panel of health experts on the most pervasive misinformation in their specialty and asked them to set the record straight.

by Maddi Dellplain

Waging war on our immune systems: Immunologist explains the horrifying toll of measles

Immunologist Samira Jeimy breaks down the horrifying toll that measles takes on our bodies and communities - and what can be done to stop it.

by Joe Vipond Chris Houston Kashif Pirzada Nancy Delagrave Cheryl White

Introducing the Canadian Covid Society – because we need it

It’s time for Canadians to organize and advocate for patients, for ourselves and for our kids. It’s time for better COVID-19 policies from our health authorities and politicians.

by Michelle Cohen

‘That Women Will Have the Same Opportunities as Men’

What the life stories of pioneering female physicians teach us about Canadian medical culture today

by Sarah Bartnicka

‘Why would I not keep going?’ Month-long sobriety challenges establish healthy habits

Dry January and Sober October could be the start to forming long-term, healthier relationships with alcohol.

by Beverley Essue Sarah Kaplan

A call for 365 days of action against gender-based violence

Gender-Based Violence (GBV) inflicts our society all year round. While a focus on the prevention of GBV must remain a top priority, ensuring an integrated and sustainable framework of support is essential for surviving and thriving.

by Madison Stringer

‘I can’t quite shut it off’: Prevalence of insomnia a growing concern for women

As women juggle their responsibilities, these duties can take a toll, both emotionally and practically. Societal pressures, maternal concerns and the challenge of balancing multiple roles contribute to women's increased susceptibility to insomnia.

by Stephanie Ferguson

Canadian women are waiting longer than ever for gynecologic surgery: Patients and providers are calling for action.

Historically, quality-of-life procedures for women have not been prioritized and Canadians continue to pay the price. Patients and providers call for better access to urogynecologists.

by Amolak Singh

Lose the calculator: Physician champions weight-inclusive care rather than calorie counting

Katarina Wind is a family physician in British Columbia who has her patients focus on healthy behaviours without setting a goal of weight loss or gain.

by Megan Werger

Protecting pregnancy in clinical trials poses risks

Historically pregnant people have been largely excluded from clinical trials. But in the long-term, better representation in research will promote maternal and fetal well-being.

by Jennifer Beeman Jane E. McArthur

It’s not all pretty in pink: To prevent breast cancer, let’s stop missing the forest for the trees

Breast cancer rates, even among young people, are on the rise. For this Breast Cancer Awareness month, there's more we could be doing to prevent the disease before it starts.

by Humaira Niazi Jamie Thompson Emma Skolnik

Beyond birth control: The benefits of universal contraception don’t end at pregnancy prevention

Contraceptives are a key part of health care for half of Canada's population and their benefits extend beyond family planning alone. It is time to expand universal contraception to the entire country.

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