Health Infrastructure

1075 articles:
by Bhavya Gandhi Samantha Keow Daniel Olteanu

Medical education’s next frontier: Space

As technology evolves and the need for medical expertise in space becomes more apparent, the incorporation of space medicine education into medical curricula is essential.

by Maddi Dellplain

Vaping: A valuable harm reduction tool or a public health concern? Experts weigh in

What is Canada to do about e-cigarettes? Does vaping pose a legitimate public health threat or is it a far safer alternative for those who would otherwise be vulnerable to the known harms of cigarettes?

by Erin Ariss

Backroom deals show it’s time to hold Ford to account on health care

With rumours swirling over an early provincial election call, it’s time for all citizens of Ontario to think about their priorities for their communities and this province.

by Nicole Smith

Ethical issues cloud online Ozempic prescription services

Patients with obesity are caught in the middle of two ethical issues rooted in weight bias – the reason the online services exist and the online services themselves.

by Abby Taher

‘Nothing for most and no easy way to fight back:’ Advocates skeptical as regulations for Canada Disability Benefit Act outlined

Persons with disabilities in Canada need and deserve access to justice, or they will continue to be pushed to the margins. The federal government has the opportunity to learn from mistakes and ease the way for people with disabilities who rely on social assistance to survive. Now it just needs to act.

by Joss Reimer

Privilege. Blame. Allyship. Reflecting on reconciliation as a non-Indigenous physician

CMA president Joss Reimer writes, "As individuals, we may not be responsible for what happened in the past. But we are responsible for what happens in the future."

by Angela Dong

Artificially Wise: Can AI truly make smart clinical decisions?

Much ink has been spilled on the self-learning capabilities of AI. Not much has yet been said on physicians’ learning gap on AI in health care.

by Angela Dong

The Big Data minefield as AI shapes the future of health care

Ongoing clinical feedback from everyday use of AI models forms the basis for AI’s self-learning and continuous improvement. Physicians will have to realize the agency – and the responsibility – they hold in interacting with this feedback loop.

by Angela Dong

Legally Blind

AI can be an incredibly useful tool for physicians. But while the myriad benefits are dizzying, there are few infrastructural supports at present to guide physicians through uncharted territory.

by Maddi Dellplain

Involuntary drug treatment: ‘Compassionate intervention’ or policy dead end?

Involuntary treatment for substance use is being proposed as a solution to the toxic drug supply crisis in provinces across the country. But do programs like this work?

by Maia Stelfox Stephana Julia Moss Jeanna Parsons Leigh

Beyond acceptance: Fostering inclusive care for sex and gender minority youth

Sex and gender minority youth are disproportionately impacted by mental health concerns tied to the COVID-19 pandemic. But they're also less likely to find adequate supports.

by W. Patrick Neumann Sue Bookey-Bassett

Why are we not using evidence-informed workload management in health care?

Excessive staff workloads lie at the root of the current human resources crisis in health care. With nurses and front-line staff leaving the profession in droves, we need better workload management.

by Emily Foucault

Along with millions of others, I live with MCAS. There is an urgent need for research and support

"Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) is a debilitating and often misunderstood condition. As someone living with MCAS, I have firsthand experience of its profound impact on daily life and the urgent need for greater awareness, research and funding."

by Kathleen Ross

Resident matching can’t start with CaRMS: Why we need a national plan for the health workforce

"Medical residents are a critical part of the health system. Together, we can plan for a future where they and their patients are set up for long-term success."

by Maxime Lê

Childbirth PTSD is all too common. AI may help remove stigma and improve care

Listening to patient voices is crucial, but physicians can sometimes overlook details that could lead to an important diagnosis. AI can help.

by Kaden Venugopal

Cautious, compassionate safe supply is good public policy

Safe supply is not a magic bullet to cure our overdose emergency. However, under cautious guidelines, prescriber-based safe supply initiatives have a role to play in saving lives.

by Hilary Brown Laurie Proulx Lesley A. Tarasoff Yona Lunsky

People with disabilities account for 13% of all pregnancies, but their needs are invisible

People with disabilities need inclusive, accessible pregnancy care that treats them with respect, dignity and acceptance.

by Michael Leedom

AI stethoscope demonstrates ‘the power as well as the risk’ of emerging technology

Stethoscopes join the growing number of AI health-care applications promising improved diagnostic performance. But this new technology still comes with certain risks.

by Serena Eagland Corey Ranger Patty Wilson

Fears of exposure to illicit drugs in public places based on politics, not facts

Health-care providers deserve to have a safe workplace, and this includes accurate information about their environmental risks. But the dangers of second-hand inhalation of illicit substances have been highly political rather than rooted in evidence.

by Allison Dunning

‘Thank you for sharing. Do you have a plan?’ Outdated policies preventing peer supporters from saving lives

Peer supporters are ready and able to support people with experiences relating to death and dying – we just need organizational policies to get with the times.

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